Famous Stonehenge stone came from Scotland not Wales

Stonehenge's famous Altar Stone came from Scotland not Wales as previously thought, new analysis shows.
2024-08-14 17:08:36

Drake surprises fans with mega music dump

The previously unseen content includes three new songs and behind the scenes footage of previous songs.
2024-08-07 13:06:38

Complex life on Earth may be much older than thought

Scientists say they have new evidence that complex life on Earth began much earlier than previously believed.
2024-07-29 03:06:49

Labour candidate Rosie Duffield cancels hustings

Ms Duffield has previously faced death threats and abuse over her stance on sex and gender.
2024-06-15 01:07:32

Donald Trump joins TikTok despite previously wanting ban

The former president joins the current US leader in using the platform despite backing concerns.
2024-06-03 15:09:08

Starmer faces anger after Tory MP's defection

Natalie Elphicke has previously attacked Labour over policies including migration and taxes.
2024-05-09 01:06:24

Accused Chinese spy previously sought job at Germany's intel agency

Post Content
2024-04-26 14:10:03

Homeowner pain as major banks hike mortgage rates

Lenders respond over views the Bank of England may not cut interest rates as soon as previously thought.
2024-04-22 19:08:52

Palmer strikes twice in injury time as Chelsea stun Man Utd

Cole Palmer scores two goals in injury time to earn Chelsea a win against Manchester United despite having previously given up a two-goal lead.
2024-04-05 00:06:54

Sex and nudity in films get stricter age ratings

Scenes that were previously acceptable in films with a 12 rating are now more likely to be rated 15.
2024-03-19 07:09:42

Airbnb bans indoor security cameras in properties

Customers have previously voiced concerns about the use of security cameras inside properties.
2024-03-12 04:07:16

Prisoners could be released up to two months early to ease overcrowding

Previously "less serious offenders" could be freed up to 18 days early but this is now up to 60 days.
2024-03-12 00:06:38

Michael Jackson jacket sells for

The leather jacket went under the hammer alongside items previously owned by Amy Winehouse and George Michael.
2023-11-11 09:07:54

Carbon emissions threaten 1.5C climate threshold sooner than thought - report

Fossil fuel emissions threaten a key climate threshold sooner than previously thought, a report says.
2023-10-30 18:11:25

Two Tanzanians and one South African among Hamas hostages, says Israel

None have been named but Tanzania has previously confirmed that two of its citizens were missing.
2023-10-26 15:10:42

Syria says Damascus and Aleppo airports hit by Israeli missiles

Israel has previously hit targets in war-torn Syria linked to Iranian arms supplies.
2023-10-12 18:11:05

What would an Israeli ground assault in Gaza look like? Here's what I know from the one I saw

Israel's military has now mobilized 300,000 reservists for what is now widely believed to be an unprecedented incursion into Gaza. What awaits it is a Hamas that has shown a level of military capability far beyond what was previously thought.
2023-10-10 21:18:12

Hamas and Iran are longtime allies. Did Tehran help with its attack on Israel?

The shock Hamas incursion into Israel was of a scale and sophistication that was previously considered unthinkable. Was Iran involved?
2023-10-09 20:06:20

The videos ISIS didn't want you to see

Previously unseen videos from security cameras in a children's hospital in Aleppo that was taken over by ISIS for use as a headquarters give
2023-09-06 22:18:58

Fitness: Only 5,000 steps a day needed to stay healthy, study shows

The step count needed to reduce the risk of disease is lower than previously thought, research suggests.
2023-08-09 05:13:05

Yandex founder slams Russia's 'barbaric' war in Ukraine

Arkady Volozh, the ex-boss of Russia's tech giant, has previously faced criticism for not speaking out.
2023-08-10 18:56:50

Zibo barbecue: Millions bring sudden fame to industrial Chinese city

Previously a sleepy industrial city, Zibo has been at the centre of a post-lockdown social media frenzy.
2023-05-15 07:10:19

Woman who was previously discovered to be alive in her coffin during her wake has died

A woman in Ecuador who was previously discovered to be alive in a coffin at her own wake has now actually passed away.
2023-06-19 01:05:51

Overwhelming Fidesz-dominance: nearly 80 per cent of tourism support funds has ended up with government-party municipalities

Since 2017, a total of 61 billion forints have been allocated by Kisfaludy 2030 Plc., which falls under the Hungarian Tourism Agency. Overall, 178 municipalities have shared in the amount for the implementation of 454 tourism-related projects. According to 24.hu?s aggregation, 78.4 per cent of this amount was received by municipalities led by Fidesz mayors. Nearly 11 billion forints have been allocated to settlements headed by independent mayors. Municipalities led by opposition-aligned parties and associations received 2.2 billion forints in support ? more than half of this, 1.2 billion forin...
2023-10-25 17:14:47

An unexpected withdrawal precedes the Rogán-circle?s Rózsadomb property acquisition

In the first round, the Józsefhegyi Street property in District II was sold for one and a half billion HUF, which was eventually taken by Antal Rogán?s circle in the second-round auction for 893.5 million ? as reported by 24.hu. The opportunity to purchase the Rózsadomb property arose for Dunai Fedélzet Vagyonkezelő Plc. because the first-round winner, Csatárka 34. Ingatlanfejlesztő Ltd., eventually withdrew its intention to sign the contract, thus forfeiting the previously paid 71.85 million HUF in earnest money. ?We tried to sell the property back in 2021. In the post-Covid period, we needed...
2023-09-05 14:02:10

Sokkal idősebb a Hold, mint korábban hittük

Negyvenmillió évvel idősebb lehet a Hold, mint azt korábban gondoltuk ? írja a The Guardian. A tudósok erre akkor jöttek rá, amikor a holdi port vizsgálták, amelyet az Apollo?17 küldetés részeként hoztak a Földre űrhajósok 1972-ben. Ez volt az utolsó alkalom, amikor ember lépett a Föld körül keringő égitest felszínére. A feltételezések szerint a Hold mintegy 100 millió évvel a Naprendszer keletkezése után jöhetett létre. Ekkor egy Mars méretű objektum csapódott a Földbe, amelynek hatására elképesztő mennyiségű anyag lövellt az űrbe bolygónkról, amelyből később egy égitest formálódott: a Hold. ...
2023-10-24 10:13:45


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